Custom Concert Lever Harps
Aberdeen Brace For Site.jpg


The on-line store for Rees Concert Lever Harps and Rees Harp Accessories.

Aberdeen Meadows (C to C) Concert Line Harp Aberdeen_Leaves_Walnut2.jpg

Aberdeen Meadows (C to C) Concert Line Harp

Aberdeen Meadows (A to A) Concert Line Harp Aberdeen_Leaves_Walnut2.jpg

Aberdeen Meadows (A to A) Concert Line Harp

Mariposa (A to C) Concert Line Harp IMG_9435.jpeg

Mariposa (A to C) Concert Line Harp

Shaylee Meadows Concert Line Harps ShayleeCherryCelticGarlandTallLegs.jpg

Shaylee Meadows Concert Line Harps

Morgan Meghan Concert Line Harp MorganMeghan_walnut_2.jpg

Morgan Meghan Concert Line Harp

Double Morgan Meghan Concert Line Harp Double_Harp_Morgan_Meghan_2.jpeg

Double Morgan Meghan Concert Line Harp

Double Shaylee Concert Line Harp IMG_8988.jpg

Double Shaylee Concert Line Harp

Double Mariposa Concert Line Harp MariposaDoubleLilyKnot 2.jpeg

Double Mariposa Concert Line Harp

Full String Set for Rees Concert Line Harps

Additional Full String Set

from $66.00
MariposaWalnutTreeOfLife5.jpg MariposaWalnutTreeOfLife4.jpg
sold out

Mariposa Harp - 34 String - Sale!

Sale Price:$6,200.00 Original Price:$6,792.00
Shaylee Meadows Harp - 30 String - Sale! (SOLD) ShayleeWalnutTreeOfLife3.jpg
sold out

Shaylee Meadows Harp - 30 String - Sale! (SOLD)

Sale Price:$3,400.00 Original Price:$4,000.00
Klimt Glen Aulin Harp - 34 strings - Showroom SALE! Klimt2.jpg

Klimt Glen Aulin Harp - 34 strings - Showroom SALE!

Sale Price:$5,100.00 Original Price:$8,000.00
(SOLD) Double Morgan Meghan lap harp - Showroom SALE! Double_Harp_Morgan_Meghan_3.jpeg
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(SOLD) Double Morgan Meghan lap harp - Showroom SALE!

Sale Price:$3,315.00 Original Price:$3,900.00
RESERVED - Shaylee Meadows - 30 strings - Showroom SALE! Shaylee_walnut_1.jpeg
sold out

RESERVED - Shaylee Meadows - 30 strings - Showroom SALE!

Sale Price:$3,177.00 Original Price:$3,857.00