911-Harp Kit - Harp Care Basics

911-Harp Kit - Harp Care Basics
Because Murphy’s Law is real, every harper should be prepared for the day when something goes wrong. For instance:
a child throws an egg salad sandwich at the soundboard of your harp (this really happened to us!)
a string breaks 15 minutes before the concert for which you have been practicing for the last six months
wind blows your harp over an hour before a wedding gig and one of your sharping levers is damaged
one day a string begins to buzz against a lever totally out of the blue
a mocha latte and your harp suddenly become intimately involved
…In short, life happens and advance preparation makes all the difference. The Rees 911-HARP Kit is your insurance against Murphy.
The basic 911-HARP Kit includes:
a complete extra set of strings
a retractable duster to clean between pins & strings on the arch
a bottle of Harpo “No More Marks” Cleaning Spray
a micro fiber towel to use for cleaning
eyelets of appropriate sizes
two Rees levers
lever tools
a T6 Torx wrench (for lever fulcrum screw black)
a Phillips screwdriver (for lever base screws)
3/16” hex driver (for larger bridge pins, used for adjusting regulation)
a 4mm hex driver (for threaded bridge pins, used for adjusting regulation)
instructions for how to regulate or change a lever
instructions for how to clean your harp
PLUS a durable nylon, high visibility bag (so you can find it quickly) with the Rees Harps and Harpsicle® Harps logo on the front.