Well, the past seven days were full of new and unexpected things. It all started a couple of months ago when Pamela first went to California. She has been away for almost the whole summer and just over a week ago, William and I got a call early in the evening. That’s when everything went topsey turvy. Two days later William and I were on a plane…
…A PLANE!!! ✈️
You see, Pamela was taking care of her mother during the days before she went across the Rainbow Bridge 🌈. As I understand it, her mother was met on the other side by a bunch of chihuahuas who she had loved over the years. (And family members, but I’m betting the chihuahuas got to her first. They may be little but they are quick little guys.)
Anyway, William and I flew out for the memorial service. Actually, we didn’t fly, the plane did all the work and, to be honest, I slept most of the way even though it was my first plane ride. For the most part I thought it was pretty boring. You know what was really annoying about the whole flying and airport thing? Humans expect dogs to piddle on a piece of plastic carpet made to look like grass in airports! They keep this “grass” in a tiled room that smells like strong cleaning chemicals. What dog in his or her right mind would piddle under those conditions. Blech! 🤢
I was really happy to see Pamela and her nephew, James (who works at the harp shop,) once I got to California but the first few days there were pretty slow for me. A bunch of humans and my family got together for the service and then a party afterwards. But let me tell you, these folks do not know how to have a good time. They ate (I scored a couple of dropped goodies) and sat around telling stories and crying. I felt it was my job to cheer everyone up but one dog can only do so much. I tried, trust me! Even with all of my practice as Enthusiasm Coordinator at Rees Harps, nothing I did made these people happy!
Two days after the service William, Pamela and I went to the ocean. This was a different one than the last ocean I went to in South Carolina. It was colder had so many more waves 🌊. This beach was really great though—there were lots of happy dogs and all of us were free to run and play together. I ran…and ran…and ran…and ran, then I ran some more. It was amazing!!! Definitely the best dog park ever!
The next day, we went to another beach. I had to stay beside William on a leash, but the beach was still wonderful. I tried my paws at digging and made a big hole because I liked to watch the sand fall back in. Sand is fascinating. Take my word for it if you have never made a big hole at a beach.
Today William and I are flying home. If there are any other exciting photos, I’ll make sure they get put up to our Instagram account, HarpsicleHarps. I plan to be a very good girl but I won’t be piddling in that weird room. You can count on it.
I’m flying!! Look how small those building look from up here!
It’s a dog park AND a beach!! How cool!!!
Digging huge holes in the sand is one of my new favorite things