I Have a Fan!! *Blush*
Gus and Serina in the Rees Harps booth at the Somerset Harp Festival.
If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you will already know that Melissa, Garen, and Piper were at the Somerset Harp Festival in New Jersey exhibiting our harps last week. The Somerset Folk Harp Festival is a really cool event filled with opportunists to learn, shop, grow, and just be completely surrounded by the best thing ever - the harp! At least that’s what Piper told me. You know what else Piper told me…..…I have a FAN! A REAL LIVE FAN!!! If I could, I would blush. I mean, isn’t that every blogging-dog’s dream??? He’s not just any fan either. Not only is he a harp dog (already a win in my book) and not only is he absolutely positively adorable (just LOOK at him 😍☺️😍). Oh no. It gets better…
In fact, he is fully trained and certificated so I really look up to him. I mean, he’s a lagotto romangnolo so in reality he is a lot shorter than I am but I still look up to him because this service dog training is tough stuff and he is extremely accomplished. His name is Gus and he is the first dog I haven’t actually met who knows me. Gus helps Serina who, as you can see in the photo, is obviously very, very nice. See how Gus is just sitting next to Serina without squirming at all? That’s SO impressive. I still have a lot of puppy energy so I’m not quite there yet. I will be though, I”m determined. Maybe one day I’ll get to meet him. I really hope that happens. I can just imagine all the fun we’d have. And he could teach me everything he knows about being a service dog.
Serina and Gus visited Garen and Melissa a couple of times at the booth so Melissa was able to get video. You can watch Serina play a Shaylee Meadows Harp (that’s my favorite! Not too big and not too small, just like me! It’s perfect…. okay okay, they are all my favorite…) and you can see Gus in action in the video below. He’s just amazing…and he’s MY fan! Can you believe it?!?!
Look how amazing Gus is!!! #servicedoggoals