Custom Concert Lever Harps
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Bark! Ellie Speaks

Rees Harps Enthusiasm Coordinator, Ellie, blogs about everything at Rees from her unique viewpoint. Ellie is a golden doodle dog and will be a service dog when she grows up.

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Ellie, William’s service dog-in-training, has her own perspective on the going’s-on at Rees Harps. As the official Rees Harps Enthusiasm Coordinator, you can count on Ellie to be in the middle of everything with something funny to say. Unfortunately, Mew, one of the Rees Harps cats, has Ellie’s blog password so occasionally, Mew provides what she believes to be the necessary counterweight. To read each of Ellie’s weekly posts, click on the photo.

Mew hack #3

The whole team at Rees Harps, Inc.

The whole team at Rees Harps, Inc.

I’ve sat back for quite some time now, letting Ellie have full access to her blog (except the few times I helped the bunnies sneak on… that was fun.). But now I’m back. Ellie is annoying me, being all happy and bubbly, and getting all of the attention. What’s with that? Who actually enjoys being around that much energy. Not me. That’s for sure.

Anyway, I wanted to take a turn on Ellie’s blog to tell you how wonderful and amazing the people at Rees Harps are. It’s Small Business Week, so this blog is my tribute to the wonderful humans here (especially Garen. I know I can trust him because he scratches me in the right spot Every. Time.)

Rees Harps is a Small Business through and through. And more than that, it is a family business, with a tight web of connections between different family members and long-time friends. There are 16 employees here (and many of us animals, too) all who work tirelessly to build beautiful, well-crafted, and highly-functional harps of many sizes. They work hard to give you excellent customer service and want you to feel like a member of the family.

Being a small family business means everyone has a lot of jobs and wears many hats. It takes a solid team to get through the piles of paperwork, manage the books, and keep up with the demand for our harps. I’m sure Ellie would take all the credit for the accomplishments, but we all know who really is behind it (ahem… meow)

This Small Business Week, do your part and shop small and/or local.
