Custom Concert Lever Harps
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Bark! Ellie Speaks

Rees Harps Enthusiasm Coordinator, Ellie, blogs about everything at Rees from her unique viewpoint. Ellie is a golden doodle dog and will be a service dog when she grows up.

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Ellie, William’s service dog-in-training, has her own perspective on the going’s-on at Rees Harps. As the official Rees Harps Enthusiasm Coordinator, you can count on Ellie to be in the middle of everything with something funny to say. Unfortunately, Mew, one of the Rees Harps cats, has Ellie’s blog password so occasionally, Mew provides what she believes to be the necessary counterweight. To read each of Ellie’s weekly posts, click on the photo.

Another New Toy!!

Remember a few weeks back when I told you about the new laser? Way back then (which is just ages in puppy time but probably not so long in yours) I said that Rees Harps has another new toy that is even more exciting! Well - now I get to tell you about it!!!

Last summer, when it was really really hot (yuck!), we got a new CNC Machine. What is that???? Well, from what I can see, it looks like a really big table (like, really really big) with pathways of pipes underneath (don’t lick them.... they may look interesting, but they do NOT taste good... not that I can tell you from experience... … … actually, there WAS that one time…) Anywho, Pamela told me that “CNC” stands for Computer Numerical Control, which is still a confusing name to me. Basically, it will allow us to put some of the more standard patterns into the computer, and then it will do the cutting for us! This is huge because it means our people can spend more time doing the things that require a humans touch, while leaving the easier sawing to the computer.

So now we have a new laser and CNC machine. How cool is that!!! There are so many more places for me to watch when running around! There are new and interesting things happening everywhere.

But what does it mean for you? Kevin (you’ll see him in the video), says we’re adding these new toys so that we can get harps to you faster. That’s pretty cool and helps to make my job easier: harps are finished faster, so they get to the person who ordered them sooner, so those people are happy! It’s all in a days work.

Anyway, getting the CNC machine delivered (all the way from Georgia) and set up in the shop was quite the series of events and took a lot of planning. To help you get the idea, I made a video. Enjoy!
