Custom Concert Lever Harps
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Bark! Ellie Speaks

Rees Harps Enthusiasm Coordinator, Ellie, blogs about everything at Rees from her unique viewpoint. Ellie is a golden doodle dog and will be a service dog when she grows up.

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Ellie, William’s service dog-in-training, has her own perspective on the going’s-on at Rees Harps. As the official Rees Harps Enthusiasm Coordinator, you can count on Ellie to be in the middle of everything with something funny to say. Unfortunately, Mew, one of the Rees Harps cats, has Ellie’s blog password so occasionally, Mew provides what she believes to be the necessary counterweight. To read each of Ellie’s weekly posts, click on the photo.

Ugly Sweater Contest - Pet Edition!!

I keep seeing pictures of humans wearing these terrible sweaters. Why on earth would anyone put a string of brightly colored lights on a sweater?!?…

That was what I thought 2 days ago… before the event happened…

I was wandering around my house with William when the doorbell rang. In walked LZ, our Social Media Coordinator. I had a hard time staying in my stay when she walked in—it had been a while since I last saw her and I just HAVE to greet everyone!! Anyway, we all walked upstairs and that’s when Pamela handed them to William—brightly colored ribbon-wrapped antlers. I was really confused, but they had these ribbons hanging below so I was intrigued. As I was trying to get a taste of them, William just started putting them on my head! It was actually a really fun game. Every time he would try to secure the antlers on my head, I tried to grab the string with my mouth!

That event got me wondering: Why did they try to put those antlers on me? What animal has antlers, especially colored antlers? What was I supposed to do with those antlers?

Then it hit me. These antlers are like the ugly sweaters humans wear around Christmas!!! Suddenly, I decided I loved wearing those silly things.

That’s when I had my BIG IDEA - I want to invite all of my animal friends to join me in the Ugly Sweater Contest - Pet Edition!

Contest Rules
-Send us a photo of your pet in some sort of Holiday attire (you could get creative and put an ornament in the fish bowl!). Here’s the kicker, I want to see your “Ugly Sweater” near your harp (use Photoshop if you don’t want your pet, Dominic the Donkey, getting too close).
-Submit your photos through Facebook Messenger to Rees Harps or Harpsicle® Harps by Tuesday, December 10 or by attaching it in a comment on the post announcing the contest.

-All eligible photos will be posted for voting on Wednesday, December 11 on both the Rees Harps and Harpsicle® Harps Facebook pages
-Vote on your favorite photo by “Liking” the photo in the original post
-Voting ends at 11:59pm EST on Friday, December 13

-1st Prize (1 winner): $100 to spend at or
-2nd Prize (1 winner): $50 to spend at or
-3rd Prize (1 winner): $25 to spend at or

(This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administrated by or associated with Facebook or Photoshop.)


Colorful Ribbon Antlers… yum!

Colorful Ribbon Antlers… yum!
